How to redact in preview?

When it comes to handling sensitive information, whether for work, personal matters, or legal purposes, redaction plays a crucial role in ensuring that confidential data remains protected. Redacting information means permanently removing or obscuring sensitive parts of a document.

Fortunately, if you’re using a Mac, the built-in Preview application offers a straightforward way to redact text and images in PDFs. This guide will take you through the entire process of redacting in Preview, explaining the necessary steps, providing tips for effective redaction, and offering alternatives if Preview doesn’t meet your needs.

Why Use Preview for Redaction?

Preview is a simple and versatile tool that comes pre-installed on macOS. While it may not offer the same level of advanced functionality as some specialized software, Preview offers the key features needed for redacting text and images in PDF documents. Using Preview for redaction can be efficient, cost-effective, and easy to perform without the need to install third-party software.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Redact in Preview

Here’s how you can redact text or images from a PDF in Preview, which is great for those who prefer not to use paid software for simple tasks.

1. Open the PDF in Preview

  • To begin, find the PDF file you wish to redact and open it with Preview. You can simply double-click the file, and it should open in Preview by default.

2. Select the Markup Toolbar

  • To redact in Preview, you need to access the markup tools. In the top toolbar of Preview, click the Markup button (this looks like a small toolbox or a pencil icon). If you don’t see this option, go to View > Show Markup Toolbar from the menu.

3. Highlight the Text or Area to Redact

  • Once the markup toolbar is visible, use the Rectangular Selection Tool or Text Selection Tool to highlight the area you want to redact.
    • Rectangular Selection Tool: This allows you to select a block of text or an image area for redaction.
    • Text Selection Tool: This is useful if you want to redact a specific portion of text.

4. Apply the Black Out Effect

  • To redact, you can use the Highlight tool to apply a black bar over the selected area. Alternatively, if you want to redact images or graphics, use the Shapes tool to draw a filled black rectangle over the sensitive information.

5. Confirm Redaction

  • Preview allows you to visually redact information by covering it with a black shape. However, unlike some redaction tools, Preview’s method doesn’t truly remove the underlying data from the document; it only obscures it from view. Be sure that your redactions are thorough and not just cosmetic.

6. Save the Document

  • Once you’ve redacted the necessary content, save the document. This will finalize the redactions you’ve made.

Best Practices for Effective Redaction

Redacting documents correctly is essential to avoid mistakes and data breaches. Here are some best practices for effective redaction:

  • Always double-check your redactions: Make sure that the sensitive information is truly obscured and that no underlying data remains accessible.
  • Use permanent redaction methods: If you need to ensure that redacted data cannot be recovered, use tools that offer permanent redaction, like Adobe Acrobat Pro.
  • Don’t just use a black bar: A black bar over text or images may not completely prevent the underlying data from being extracted. Always consider using a tool that permanently deletes the data from the file.
  • Test redacted documents: Before sharing or distributing your redacted documents, open them in different applications to ensure the redactions are visible and secure.

Key Takeaways for Effective Redaction

Redacting in Preview is a simple and effective way to obscure sensitive information in a PDF document on macOS. Although it offers basic redaction tools that can help you cover up text and images, it’s important to note that the data is not permanently removed from the file.

Remember, redaction is an important step in safeguarding personal, legal, and corporate data, and using the right tools and methods is crucial to ensuring privacy and compliance.


  1. Can I undo a redaction in Preview?

Once you save the redactions in Preview, they are not reversible. Always keep a copy of the original document before making any redactions.

  1. Is there a way to make redactions permanent in Preview?

No, Preview does not permanently remove data when redacting. If you need permanent redaction, consider using specialized software like Adobe Acrobat Pro.

  1. Can Preview redact entire sections of a document automatically?

Preview does not have an automated redaction feature. You must manually select and mark the areas to redact.